Early Learning & Child Care Centres
School Visits
Educational Incursions; Excursions; Zoom Online Learning and School Camps
Servicing our traditional homelands of South East Queensland and North East New South Wales
Burragun Aboriginal Cultural Services deliver a broad range of educational cultural incursions and lessons to Early Learning Centres, Community Kindergartens, Long Day Care Centres and After and Out of School Hours Care, in both Southeast Qld and Northeast NSW. These regular incursion visits are always educational, inclusive, interactive and heaps of fun. Consistancy is the key when sharing cultural knowledge that has an impact and affect on the future the childrens lives and their connection to their country.
Development of cultural understanding starts at an early age with knowledge increasing as children are exposed to concepts, learning visits, knowledge sharing and centre and community events. We aim to promote shared understanding, recognition, respect, and reconciliation for future generations. Assisting your educators to support all students and work towards closing the gap in education outcomes. Your little ones get to engage with the stories and knowledge of the oldest continuous culture on earth. Inclusion of this content in early development prepares children for new learning at school and beyond. For your educators a historical understanding of the Australian Aboriginal story is key in being able to comprehend current affairs and issues that affect Aboriginal people today.
Our aim is to leave these young djarjums (children) with a broader understanding and appreciation of Australian Aboriginal culture and an experience containing new knowledge and skills.
Our group has a diverse range of traditional knowledge, diverse skill sets and 12 years experience facilitating educational cultural visits to places of education. We love our work and get great satisfaction sharing with the little ones as they are all our future hopes and dreams.
Our Aim:
Share our cultural knowledge both traditional and contemporary with all students and educators.
Share our language, stories, songs, dances, ways of learning and skills.
We aim to foster inclusivity and connectedness to culture and the school envoironment.
To nurture ATSI students voice, agencey and participation.
Build on Teacher and Student knowledge base.
“Our cultural learning incursion programs are filled with skills such as critical and creative thinking, communication and collaboration, they also help develop non-cognitive skills like self-confidence and teamwork”.
Uncle Boomerang
Our Aboriginal Early Learning Incursions include:
Dreamtime Stories
Traditional Games
Yarning Circle: talk about Aboriginal cultures
Dance Lessons
Art Lessons
Art Projects for the centre
Weaving: necklace and wristband take home
String Making
Birds Nest and Eggs making
Traditional Displays: toys and artefacts
BUSH KINDY: Walk to local park
Coolamon: collection of plants for wall collage
Bush foods and medicines display and learning
Bush Tucker Garden construction
Music Lessons: Didgeridoos and Clap Sticks
Boomerang Fun Game (indoor soft foam safe fun)
Boomerang making: Cardboard take home
Ochre crushing/ mixing: outdoor art in playground (Natural pigment/ clay type).
Emu Feather decoration
Emu Collage
Mud Crab Art
Aboriginal Art: River Rocks/ Canvas/ Clap Sticks/ Didgeridoo/ Paper Bark
Traditional Baskets/ Weaving and Women’s items display
Walk and Talk around centre yard and garden
Language: Counting/ Songs/ Dances and Australian native animal names in various local dialects including: Ngaranhngwal; Ngahnduwal and Yugambeh Language dialects.
When booking multiple and ongoing regular visits to your early learning centre, we include all of the above cultural activities, and more into the sessions. We also build on each of these activities over the period of the year, being sure to reinforce the previous learning with each visit.
We start over again in the new year with the new group of students and reinforcing the learning with the current students.
We cater to and develop cultural learning programs for the ‘Kindy Uplift’ program funding which enables selected kindergarten services to respond to the educational and developmental needs of kindergarten children.
The Kindy uplift program targets kindergarten services, including community kindergartens and long day care services, to improve early learning outcomes for up to 13,500 children each year.
Kindy uplift funding will be used to respond to children’s learning and development needs through evidence-based initiatives that lift outcomes for Kindy children.
Kindy uplift funds programs, resources, supports and professional development to build educator capability, support inclusion and improve children’s learning and development.
The department will work closely with sector partners, approved kindergarten service providers and suppliers with expertise and experience in the early years to deliver the program.
‘Walk on Country’
We come to your area, and you & your group come on a cultural learning journey into an outdoor park excursion with us.
We visit your suburb or area; we meet your class/ cohort or group at a local park, Botanical Gardens or NP.
We walk with you on Country.
Let Uncle Boomerang take you for a walk on country and share his traditional knowledge with your educators and children.
Learn about bush tucker, food and medicine plants and their uses.
Learn about animals, tracking, 6 seasons, and seasonal indicators.
Plus, many other cultural activities.
-Price: $660. GST Free-
Please email me via the contact page.
Aboriginal Cultural Visits:
Servicing South East Queensland and North East New South Wales
Prices/ Rates & Duration Times
Minimum Incursion Duration is 1 Hour:
1 hour =$330.
2 hours =$660.
3 hours =$990.
4 hours =$1,320.
5 hours =$1,650.
6 hours =$1,980.
*Burragun is not registered for GST. All prices are GST free.
PAYMENT TERMS: Our payment terms are 7 days, but we will accept 14 days if you ask and arrange it with us prior to any bookings at the start of the relationship. If this does not suit your centres business accounting system, please advise us from the start and we may be able to come to an agreeable arrangement.
BOOKING CANCELLATION POLICY: If you book ahead more than 1 month in advance and decide later to cancel, these bookings must be paid in full as those dates/ days and times are already locked up.
BOOKINGS: Educators when you make a booking with us please cc your Coordinator/ Director/ Centre Manager or Owner into the original email booking thread so that we are aware that they are aware of your booking and have given the appropriate approvals for you to book us, and that they are aware of our payment and cancellation terms.
BOOKINGS: If your company uses Purchase Orders, or has specific instructions for our invoices or different business name let us know when booking.
We DO NOT accept cheques.
We do accept Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
We do accept Credit Card payments on ‘Square’ payments, PLUS 2.2% surcharge.
We do accept cash.
Anywhere outside of Brisbane and Gold Coast metropolitan areas of South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales the price will be quoted upon application.
*Burragun is not registered for GST. All prices are GST free.
Regarding Incursion Bookings and Cancellations
If a booking is made in advance by an educator or teacher or any Early Learning Centre employee, and then they leave that centre and do not inform the centre about the incursion booking that they have made with us, the booking is still deemed current until cancelled by their replacement or by someone of position in your organisation or centre -(ELC). We have no idea of who comes and goes from your centre, or whether or not they have told others about their booking, therefor the incursion fee must be paid in full, see below. If we are booked and show up at your centre and you know nothing about our incursion booking, then that is not our fault, it is a lack of communication from your end, not ours, therefore the incursion cost must be paid in full.
IMPORTANT: Please Read carefully
Educators when you make a booking with us you need to cc your Coordinator and or your Centre Manager or Owner into the original email booking thread please.
Cancellation Policy
Full Incursion Fee Applies
Cancellation Policy:
If a booking is cancelled by you less than 4 weeks prior to the agreed booking date the incursion fee must be paid in full.
If a booking is cancelled due to a state determined (LGA) Local Government Area lock down in your area the incursion booking fee is not charged.
If your booking is cancelled by you due to your own school going into its own lock down and we do not get 14 business days cancellation notice, your school is charged the incursion cost.
If you cancel your booking due to a weather event (other than major flooding), we do not refund any prepaid booking costs and the full cost of the booking must be paid.
If for some reason we have to cancel, and you have already paid for the incursion, we refund 100% of what has been paid.