Professional Development
Staff Cultural Awareness Training
Professional Development and Staff Cultural Awareness Training is interactive, inclusive and educational. We offer the training at your school, ELC, work place, business or a local facility, park, hall or area of your choice.
Conditioning and cultural backgrounds influence our thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours. We tend to see the world through our own limited cultural experiences, memory and perspectives. These perspectives can be short-sighted as we now operate in a more culturally diverse society. This makes cultural awareness in the workplace essential to improve work relationships and prevent cultural conflicts. By being culturally aware, employees will be able to engage better with colleagues and treat differences with respect.
In fact, culture is often misunderstood. It is not merely different ethnicities, but in fact is much wider. Consider different age groups, different religious beliefs, sexual preferences, indigenous cultures and more.
The importance of cultivating and defining cultural awareness in the workplace cannot be underestimated. By enabling employees to overcome cultural differences, it will be possible for an organisation to work as a unit towards accomplishing common goals. Organisations now realise that their internal and external customers hail from multiple diverse cultures. The pursuit of cultural awareness can be haphazard and token unless there is sufficient organisational capability. Building the organisation’s cultural awareness capability is crucial to ensure that opportunities for growth, competitive advantage and talent and are not missed.
The course is a wakeup call to participants that culturally diversity is everywhere.
The tide of cultural change has never been greater and it will continue to grow. By understanding what cultural awareness is in the workplace, it will be possible for businesses to increase the productivity, communication and unity in the workplace.
Our Professional Development Cultural Awareness Training Program.
Culture and Identities
Recognise the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and their world views
The past that shaped contemporary culture
Increased knowledge of the impact of past government policies and practices on health and well-being (including colonization, removal from land, and cultural dislocation).
Increased skill in providing culturally appropriate services
Learning objectives include:
Increased awareness and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories and cultures
Increased knowledge of the impact of past government policies and practices on health and
well-being (including colonisation, removal from land, and cultural dislocation)Increased confidence in identifying and communicating with Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peopleIncreased skill in providing culturally appropriate services,
Key Learning Outcomes
Define cultural awareness
Build cultural knowledge
Calibrate your cultural intelligence levels
Reflect on the role of conditioning on your cultural beliefs
Identify individual and organisational cultural awareness capability
Evaluate the benefits of organisational cultural awareness
Develop strategies for improving cultural awareness
Eliminate and withhold assumptions regarding culture
Challenge cultural stereotypes
Implement cultural knowledge
PD: Internal at your school or centre
PD: External staff professional development: Cultural Tour Mt Tamborine or Springbrook National Park.
Our PD Training Aims:
Enhance the opportunity to refine personal approaches to Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander perspectives.
To foster improved communication with students & families.
Support educators to feel comfort & confidence working with Aboriginal content.
Increased understanding of Aboriginal content & how it fits in the classroom.
Greater capacity to support Aboriginal students and students from culturally diverse backgrounds.
Increase awareness of the impacts of trauma on Aboriginal students.
Staff Cultural Awareness Training: In house at your school or centre
Minimum charge $1,200.
$40. per person over 30 staff
1 Hour Session
If not at your workplace, price upon application depending on numbers, requirements, time frame and venue site.
For more information please contact us here.